Save Time and Money with Commercial Laundry Service

Save Time and Money with Commercial Laundry Service

Commercial laundry services are an essential aspect of any successful business, from hotels and hospitals to restaurants and fitness centers. The need for clean linens, towels, uniforms, and other textiles is a constant, but managing an in-house laundry operation is often time-consuming, costly, and resource-intensive. Kimmel Corp. saves time and money with commercial laundry service second to none. Here are a few ways we empower you with services that elevate your operations a cut above the competition.

Efficient Laundry Process

We save you time and money through a cutting-edge, streamlined laundry process. By utilizing state-of-the-art equipment and technologies, Kimmel Corp. handles large volumes of laundry quickly and effectively. 

This reduces the turnaround time for your laundry needs and ensures your textiles are cleaned and sanitized to the highest industry standards. The result is a fast, reliable, and hassle-free laundry solution that allows you to focus on your core business operations.

Cost Savings

Save time and money with commercial laundry service from Kimmel Corp. Managing an in-house laundry operation requires a substantial investment in equipment, space, utilities, and staff. With Kimmel in your corner, you avoid these expenses and redirect your resources toward other critical aspects of your business.

Kimmel Corp. offers competitive pricing and flexible service plans, ensuring you receive the best value for your money. Our team of experts will work with you to develop a customized laundry solution that fits your specific needs and budget.

Linen and Textile Management

Kimmel Corp. prioritizes efficiency and savings through exceptional linen and textile management services. Keeping track of your inventory and ensuring that your linens and textiles are in good condition is a time-consuming task. We simplify this process by offering linen and textile management as part of our commercial laundry services. 

Our dedicated team monitors your inventory levels, replaces worn or damaged items, and ensures you always have an adequate supply of clean, fresh linens and textiles. This saves you time and helps to maintain a consistently professional image.

Quality Control and Customer Service

We provide exceptional customer service and uphold the highest standards of quality control. Our expert quality control team conducts regular inspections and quality checks to ensure your textiles are cleaned, sanitized, and in excellent condition. 

Kimmel Corp.’s customer service team is always on hand to address your concerns promptly and professionally. This commitment to quality and customer satisfaction helps to build a long-term, trusting relationship with your commercial laundry provider.

Save Time and Money with Your #1 Commercial Laundry Service Provider 

Outsourcing your commercial laundry needs to Kimmel Corp. achieves benefits far beyond streamlined operations. Our efficient laundry processes, cost-effective pricing, environmentally friendly solutions, linen and textile management services, and commitment to quality control and customer service ensure that you receive the best possible laundry solution tailored to your specific needs.

Save time and money with commercial laundry service. Call Kimmel Corp. today at (800) 334-4975, or email us to learn more about our products and services!